Is there a cutoff Expected Family Contribution or household income that determines eligibility?
We recognize that applicants come from a variety of financial situations, and that neither the EFC or household income is a perfectly representative number. While they will factor heavily into our ultimate decision, we would also like to hear about additional financial context on you and will consider it as part of your application in a broader, holistic context.
Am I eligible if I am of ________ descent or if my parents are from ________?
We recognize that there may be cases in which a candidate identifies as AAPI but don't fall neatly into a familial bucket, e.g. adoptees. Generally, if you are of AAPI descent and resonate with Foundation 649's mission, we encourage you to apply. However, don't hesitate to email us if you have specific eligibility questions.
Where do I find my FAFSA SAR?
After you submit your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form, you’ll get a Student Aid Report (SAR) that summarizes the information you provided on your FAFSA form. For more detailed instructions, please visit https://studentaid.gov/apply-for-aid/fafsa/review-and-correct/sar-student-aid-report.
What if I haven't received my FAFSA SAR yet?
If for any reason you don't have a FAFSA, please upload income information, such as W2, 1099s, tax returns and elaborate in the question below. We may reach out for additional documentation.